huestreet was a collaboration with Valentina Camacho and Arunram Kalaiselvan during the 2012 AngelHack hackathon in New York City. I worked on concept, user experience design, and front end development.
Hustreet is a fun and extremely simple street style fashion photo microblogging app for all Bill Cunningham wannabes. To use it just log in with Facebook, snap a picture on the street of something you love , hate, or want to share, and it is added to your collection. You can then sort by color and create your own editorial collections to share with your social networks.
The idea was inspired by Bill Cunningham's street style photographic practice, fashion blogging, and the fashion forecasting industry.
We wanted to make a very easy to use app for documenting interesting fashion you see on the street, creating photo editorials, and analyzing the photos for patterns both programmatically and manually.
We began with programmatic color analysis. The images here show how you can review your photos by color:
I designed the color filter to be shown inline with the photos as a way to simultaneously graphically reference the idea of sorting them and serve as the color label once the photos are sorted.
The images here show the process of uploading a photo. Because the hackathon version was a Ruby on Rails Web application, we were not able to access the phone's camera within the application. Instead you can take photos with you camera application, and upload them, or any other photos stored on your phone, from the app.
Finally you are able to see the photos from the map view, and look for geographic patterns.
Other filters we considered were weather and season tags, that we could access via the google api. This would be a great next step. I think if we could reach a wide user base, we could find very interesting patterns in street fashion.